Thursday, April 17, 2014

Arker - Icy - Bride doll:  $27.21 (RSP:  $35+)
Arker - Icy - Coser doll:  $27.21 (RSP:  $35+)

Both off of Aliexpress

I've wanted that bride for a while!  She looked gorgeous in so many pictures I've seen of her.  She didn't disappoint...except her hair was a horrible rat's nest!  It took about an hour to comb it out, but it looks wonderful now.  That was a total surprise...the hair looked completely ruined when I started!

The other one was a bit disappointing.  She's supposed to be Hatsune Miku, but the hair is all wrong!  I thought it would look ok out of the ponytails, but it just looks dumb because her hair is permanently indented like that.

At least her outfit is pretty great.  Still, now I wish I didn't buy her!  Maybe I'll reroot her with longer hair or something.

The bride smells gross like the last one, but thankfully the smell came out after a wash.  I wonder what's with these dolls?

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm considering getting the Icy Miku doll for her stock outfit, I'm wondering if you'd be willing to sell yours to me since you were disappointed with it. E-mail me at if you are willing to sell her or her outfit. Thanks!
