Monday, July 15, 2013

Erote (A touch of green mint!) - Brown blazer with white cuffs and collars (RP:  $4.99+)
Rebecca Taylor - Ruffled high collar poet blouse (RP:  $4.99+)

Belle Mode - White and black pleated dress (RP:  $20 for the set)

Rouie - Black wool dress (RP: $9.99) 
Sharre - Long grey lightweight coat (RP: $ 14.99)

$1 each @ Kim's Village

They haven't had one of these in a while!  I wasn't sure if I wanted to wake up early for it, but I ended up going.  I was the first one there!

The Rebecca Taylor blouse is my favourite find, it's so gorgeous!  It has a high neck collar and adds some modern accents to this victorian style blouse.

It's too small for me though...I'm going to have to do some alterations.  The style is just so great though, it'll be worth it.  The tag is all in Japanese, but I'm betting it'll hold up in the wash.

The others (besides Rouie and Rebecca Taylor) are Korean brands, but the dress is surprisingly good quality.  It's so heavy weight!  It actually came with a blazer, but since they started charging each piece separately, I left it behind.

I was unsure about the brown blazer, since it's not exceptional quality either.  But I just really liked the style, and the fit was great.  For $1, why not?  The label is super cute too.

The lightweight grey coat was a nice find.  I don't have many other light coats and this one looks great on.

I bought the wool dress to make into another lightweight coat.  It's pretty horrendous as is (plus totally oversized on me..and it has those horrid shoulder pads!), but I saw a lot of potential.  The sleeves are neat and the gathered draping skirt looks awesome.

I passed up a black Zara woman dress...I'm kicking myself now!  It was totally plain and the material wasn't great (polyester and rayon), but it was completely fitted.  I thought I had similar dresses at home, but when I checked they weren't as similar as I thought.

That one was really fitted!  I couldn't appreciate it because I didn't try it on properly.  On the small chance that it's still there tomorrow, I'll pick it up!

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