Sunday, April 28, 2013

Armani collezioni - Bright fuchsia silk blazer:  $12.99 @ Value Village

It's raining Armani!  I find more of this brand than any other high end one, and I feel certain that just about all of them (certainly the ones I've bought!) have been real.

I was really unsure about this one for several reasons.  For one, it was full price...and I don't like paying over $10 for used clothing!

Another...I hate that colour!  Bright, flashy colors are just not me.

But....I have no blazers in this colour (for the reason above).  I reasoned though, that if I did ever want to wear one, it'd have to be a good one.

Armani?  And silk?  This would be it!

I doubt I'd ever see something like that again, so I had to get it.

I still might return it's missing one button, and it doesn't fit me that well.  Plus, it has a few imperfections, like a little stain (that I hope will come out!), plus some minor pilled areas.

But come's Armani!  It would have been over $1000 new, so even with the flaws, it feels like a deal.

The tag says it was from 2003.  Score!  So it's somewhat modern.

Well, ten years old feels modern to me.  Most of the stuff I find is way older than that!  But they're all classic that still look great today!

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