Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Diamond Brand - Plastic cherub mirror:  $5 (RSP:  $25+)

Gathered chiffon halter dress:  $5

Crazy wide rooster (?) belt:  $3.99

Both @ Value Village.

I don't know why they stopped having half off days!  They were having a BOGO sale for club members, but they were so lame about it...the max value was $10, and you could only get 1 item!

So I only bought these two.  They were originally $10 each, so it was worth it, especially since housewares are excluded from half off days.

I actually saw that mirror a few weeks ago!  I really didn't think it would come back, but I'm glad it did.

I passed on it the first time since it definitely wasn't worth $10 (it's plastic, and most of the paint is gone!), but $5 was reasonable to me.  I've seen someone pay $25 for it on eBay, and most sellers ask for around $35!

I definitely want a good quality metal mirror like that, so it'll do until then.

The dress.....gorgeous!  I think someone made it since there aren't any tags, but I just love the design.  It's very cinched at the waist and gathered everywhere else.  It has some sheer accents at the top and the bottom, which is a nice touch.

The was just so out there!  The materials were nothing special, and the price was more than I wanted to pay...but I just had to have it.  I love unique accessories!

I don't even know what that thing is.  The head looks like a rooster, but it looks kind of off.  Then there are chains coming out of it!  I couldn't pass it up.  

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