Friday, October 26, 2012

24" rubber (or soft vinyl?) grocery store doll:  $16.99 @ Salvation Army (New West) (RP:  $19.99)

Argh, I really didn't want to pay this much!  I just loved her face, and I had a coupon burning a hole in my pocket...I suppose I also didn't want to leave empty handed since I went out of my way to go here.

I think she's probably made by Deluxe Reading.  I've never seen a doll like this before - she's not jointed at all!  Her body is pretty heavy and pleasantly squishy.  I read that these were stuffed with some sort of seed.

She reminded me of a Dollikin, which I've always wanted to find.  Her eyes are pretty clouded over, and she has no shoes, but I found her so darling!  The only marking I could find is an AE-255 on her neck.

I've seen some other knockoffs that sort of looked like Dollikins, but weren't so pretty.  I didn't buy them because they were still expensive, and the quality seemed shoddy (hollow plastic).  This doll feels really substantial, plus she's huge!  The biggest doll I have right now, and a lot bigger than Dollikins and their knockoffs.

In the end, I decided to consider it a charitable donation...that made it feel better.  No way I'd spend this much at Value Village or another for profit (probably!).

This location always has a lot of old dolls, and they always price them sky high.  She's probably only $10 on eBay (if you can find a buyer), but shipping would be crazy expensive due to her weight.


Found the same kind of doll (same head mold and everything) on eBay for $22 plus shipping...except that one had shoes and gloves.  

A way better deal if you don't factor in shipping (total would have been $31 in the US, wayyy more for me), but I still think mine's prettier.   This one does have a way better outfit though.

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