Thursday, January 6, 2011

Black ruffled bag : $5 @ Icing by Claire's (RSP: $41)
Grey sequin jewelry box:  $2.19 @ Claire's (RSP:  $18.25)
Kiss lock coin purses:  $1 each @ EFADS

Just as planned, I went to the last EFADS in my area.  I saw these little change purses that I just had to pick up.

I left behind a brown crocodile skin one, the material just didn't do anything for me.  I actually saw one of those at another store I went to, but didn't think much about the other possibilities.

They're pretty small, and they don't really seem worth it compared to the other ones I've gotten.

The sparkly star one I just had to have!  It's glittery black with hard foil stars interspersed throughout.  I love stars, and liked that it had a sort of astronomical presentation.

I'm also a sucker for shiny gold and silver.   Just something about how shiny they are perks me up and makes me happy.  I really don't think I'll get any more though, even if there are other types.

I'm really hoping to get more of the bigger clutches though.  Those ones are totally worth it!  The clerk said they would definitely get more in, but she didn't know when.

I would have been absolutely in love with the black purse if it were smaller.  I do like the design, but it's huge!  I bought it anyway, since I'm sure my mom would love it if I didn't.

The jewelry box was bought on a whim.  I thought it might have been an additional half off, but the price was already pretty cheap anyway.  I wish it was shinier, so I might give it to my friend instead.

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