Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Urban Behavior leather collection - Beige rabbit fur and leather coat:  $12.50
Etienne Aigner - Multicolour leather purse:  $5
Givenchy - Canvas/leather trim purse:  $4.50 (RSP:  $1000!)

Liz Olemberg - Black leather shoes w/sculptured gold heels:  $4

All @ Value Village.

I'm so glad I went to this location!  I was considering skipping it since I haven't found anything that interesting there in a while...boy, was I surprised today!

First off, the leather coat - it's gorgeous!  It's everything I want in a leather coat...fitted, stylish, and reasonably priced.  Bonus points for the rabbit fur and being in like new condition!

I picked up the purses because I thought they were worth something, but sadly, they have no resale value.  I was duped by a fendi!  It sure looked convincing but there were some tells.  It'll be going back shortly, possibly with the Givenchy since that one keeps on flaking off everywhere!

The purse probably retailed for around $1000, judging by what they charge for purses now.  Which is crazy, since the quality isn't anything isn't even lined inside!

The shoes are one of my favourite finds in a long while.  Those heels are crazy!  I'm a sucker for chrome gold paint in the first place, but I'm also fond of unique shoes.  

The cut out heels are different, but not too out there.  I'm not a fan of ones that go in weird directions and no longer look like proper heels.

Best of all, these shoes are actually comfortable!  But I don't know if I would ever wear them out, they do look a little odd on!

The knockoff fendi - it does look pretty close to the original on the outside:

Actually, I think it'd be a really convincing fake if the handles were leather!

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