760 ml glass skull bottle: $5 (RSP: $17+)
Antique cotton case: $4
A4 rose tray: $2
All @ Daiso.
I've been interested in getting a skull bottle for a while, but I've only seen them online until now. They were $13 for a 350 ml body, or around $20 for a 1000 ml bottle, so they just didn't seem worth it.
This one totally was! Way cheaper than online, and a much better size even. This one has "modern warehouse imports" on the bottom, and it's actually on their website too:
I wonder how much their wholesale cost was? This is the first time I've seen this at Daiso, so I wonder how long they'll be carrying it.
The more expensive one does have a nicer crystal stopper, but that's not worth an extra $12 to me!
They're both based on the Crystal Head vodka bottle. I've always thought that was super neat, but there's no way I'd pay $60 just for the bottle! Their newest iridescent one does look super pretty though:
I have been looking for the cotton pad dispenser for a while though. I thought I could get it cheaper online, but turns out they're roughly the same price...this seemed like a better deal since it comes with cotton pads, and I don't have to wait forever to receive it.
The rose tray was just a pretty addition. I'll probably use it for mail.