Monday, August 13, 2012

Smart set - lace jacket
Danier leather - suede jacket (RP:  $27.99)

Long black skirt w/pleats and rhinestone gathering (RP:  $6.99)
Long asymmetrical skirt (RP:  $5.99)

All $1 each @ Kim's Village

I've been waiting for another $1 sale!  They asked if I wanted to be phoned when they had another one so of course I said yes.  It turns out they have them whenever they have too much stock, which seems to be once a month.  Score!

I don't really like the Danier coat, but I thought I could use the leather for something.  Or maybe use it as is if I tailor it..right now it's really boxy and unflattering.

The skirts are flattering and a unique cut.  The photo doesn't do it justice, but the black skirt only has a few pleats on the left, plus a pleated rhinestone waistband design.

The grey skirt is made in the U.S. and says dry clean only, so I'm sure it was an expensive brand...I wish I knew who made it.

When I was paying they brought out the lace jacket - I just had to have it!  The gathered lace train is right up my alley, even though I really don't like velvet.  Overall, the design outweighs the fabric so it was a no-brainer, especially at that price.

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