Sunday, December 29, 2013

Burberry - classic trench coat:  $15 @ Talize (RSP:  $1000+)

My find of the day!  I bought this on half off day, but I wanted to make sure it was real before posting.  It's authentic, just like I thought!

The person said it was probably from the 80's or 90's, but thankfully the shoulders don't reflect that. Back then they had an s at the end of their name.

I thought it was probably real because the tag was under the label...I heard about that once, and I don't think fakers do things like that.

The only problem was the lining...I thought that it ALWAYS had to match up, and mine didn't.

But since everything else looked right, plus it looked great on, I took a chance.

Also...there was another Burberry coat there, and I was sure it was real.  It was like the above, except everything lined up and there was one additional tag.

It was so plain and shapeless though!  It looked just like this one:

Even the lining was the same, which was a turnoff.  It wasn't the classic nova check, it was another plaid I found kind of ugly and dated:

I think it was $7.50, I didn't pay too much attention because I didn't like it much.  But now, I wonder if I should have got it.  It looks good belted:

And even better with an upturned collar!

Now I kind of wish I bought it, but the other one didn't have a belt.  I'm sure I could have used one I already had though.

The colour was different from the one I bought too, it was the same as these ones pictured.  

Oh well, I'm sure it's gone now.  Plus, the one I did pick up is a million times better!

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