Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Zygo cactus:  $3.68 @ Walmart

I didn't expect to buy so many plants today!  This one's a cactus, so it'll last a while.  It was a pretty reasonable price too, so it felt like there wasn't a downside to buying it.  Plus it has flowers right now!  

I don't know how long they'll last, but hopefully they'll bloom again next year.  

Mini rose bush:  $4.99
Succulent:  $3.99

Both @ Rona

I went out of my way to check out this garden center.  I was mainly interested in the roses, but I wasn't sure they would have them at this time.

They had a pretty lovely selection of a ton of plants, but mostly Christmas stuff.  I put the roses in my cat mug because it started getting crazing:

I really like it!  I just hope it lasts for a while.

Melmat home - plush throw:  $3.99 @ Army and Navy

It's pretty thin and some of the edges have already come undone, but I just couldn't resist that pattern.  They had a few cute Christmas patterns, but only one of each.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Salt lamp:  $14
Tsum Tsum lip smackers - Thumper and Dale:  $2 each (RSP:  $5.99 each)

All @ Bianca Amors

I loved my first lamp so much, I wanted one for another room!  I thought I'd get a bigger size, but they didn't look very nice.  Instead of getting taller, they mostly got wider!  

I didn't like the look, plus they were a lot more.  The boxes for the next size up were all taped too, so I couldn't see how they looked in full.  No way I was buying one sight unseen!

Next to my first one (on the right):

The new one is at least a pound or two lighter than my old one, but it has more colour to it.

The base is different too!  It's bigger and more noticeable, whereas the other one was pretty much hidden at the bottom.

This one's better because the light attaches to the base.  With my first one, you just stuck the bulb in the hole...it wasn't secured in any way!

I was thinking about these tsum tsum lip glosses last time, but I didn't want to buy too many.  Well, the other ones were so adorable I wanted these ones too.

They had a ton last time, but this time I really had to dig to find these characters!  Thumper at least, there were still a lot of Dales.

I remember there being at least 10+ last time, and this time I only saw 3.  I only saw one Eeyore too!  Last time there were maybe 6. I'm glad I picked them up when I did!

I saw one box that had a $4.95 Rite Aid sticker on it.  Those stores are only in the US!  I'm surprised because I thought they mainly just had stuff from China instead of closeouts.  

Cat shaped water bottle:  $2.97 @ Thinka

Well, they call it a tea bottle, but I don't see why.  I love the pink one I got, so I thought I should get a back up!  They have two other types of purple, but I'm not tempted by those.

This one has a bunny tail though, which looks pretty odd.   My other one didn't.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Kitchen racks x 2
Mesh frying basket
Pink frosted mason jar mug
Mushroom kitchen timer

$2 each @ Daiso

They actually didn't have anything I came for, but I came away with these instead.  That mushroom timer looks like something from Super Mario!  I could't resist.

Buddha figures:  $1.25 each @ Dollar Tree

Finally!  I've been looking for a buddha figure for a while, but they're all super overpriced for some reason.  The cheapest one I've seen has been $6 for a head, and $8 for a full body figure like this one.

I thought they were supposed to be candle holders, but the holes are too small.  I'm not sure why they made them like that.  It's too impractical to hold anything else!   I'm using them as holders anyway:

I wonder if this is a new item and the other stores will have them soon. This is the first and only time I've seen them anywhere.

Funnily enough, I saw almost the exact same figure at Winners for $10!  Less than an hour before I found these.  The grey one...the figure was the same size and had a similar look too, but it was sitting on a circular base that was probably 6" across.

I thought it was nice, but I didn't want to pay that much.  I'm glad it worked out!

So fresh so clean - Silicone replacement brush head:  $1 @ Winners (RSP:  $4.99 - $7)

The same one I bought a while back for twice the price.  It seems like I only find them when they're on clearance!  I've never seen a cache of them at full price anywhere.

Anyway, I picked this one up for my mom.  They never need to be replaced so I don't see myself picking up more.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Medium salt lamp:  $14 @ Bianca Amors (RSP:  $30+)

I've wanted a salt lamp for a long time!  They've been advertising them here for the last few years...every time I've come they've been sold out.  

Today they weren't!  I was surprised.  They had a ton of every size.  They all came in boxes like this:

It took me so long to pick one!  They're all different, and I didn't want to buy one sight unseen, so I looked into a bunch of boxes.  I found out later that they don't want you to do that, but they had no signs in this area.

It's so beautiful lit up!  I wonder if I should get one for another room.  I was deciding between this one and a small one, but for two dollars more, this one was a better deal.

The sizes here are bigger than most other stores.  When I was checking around, some other stores have their "large" as this one's "small"!   They're all mostly way more expensive too.  Usually starting at around $20 for the small one!

Before that the cheapest I've seen is a small one for $15 at Winners on clearance.  I was actually waiting to see if that one would go down, but now I'm glad someone else bought it.

I actually thought I might want a large or extra large, but this one was heavy enough!  Each size has a 2-4 pound variance.  I weighed mine at home, and it was exactly 12 pounds!  The medium was 8-12 pounds, whereas the large started at 14.

After the difficulty of looking at the mediums I didn't want to bother with any of the bigger sizes!  I really wish they had them without packaging like all of the other stores.  It would have been so much more convenient!

Skull mason jars with handles (RSP:  $10+)
"Ladies magic kitchen shears"
Tsum tsums lip smackers - Chip and Eeyore (RSP:  $5.99 each)

All $2 each @ Bianca Amors

The skulls are the same as my other ones, except they have handles!  I was a bit wary about the colour...I hope they're on the outside and won't seep into anything.  I would have preferred clear ones.

I actually wanted to buy some at Michaels for 80% off.  They were the same kind of colours, but no handles.  They would have been $1.40 each, but I think these are better because of the handles.  Plus they were all gone at that price anyway!

I already have kitchen shears, but these ones are sturdier, plus I like the colour better.

Those lip balms are so cute!  They had all of the star war ones, then a Dale and a Thumper.  I'm tempted to go back for the Dale and the Thumper!  I had no idea they retailed for that much...I wouldn't have paid that, but $2 seemed reasonable to me.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Collapsible storage containers x 2
Lenticular dog notebook

All $1.25 each @ Dollar Tree

I've been looking for those cubes for over a year!!  They never had this size in stock anywhere.  This is the one that fits most standard cube shelves, the other ones they always have in stock are smaller.  Even at this one, there were only two still in packages.

They had one out of package in this colour, and another out of package in another colour.  Now I wish I bought the opened one in this colour!  I'm not sure if I'm going to find any more.

They're at least twice the price anywhere else, so they're a great deal here.

Couldn't resist picking up another holiday dog notebook.  There are two other designs but I don't think I'll buy any more.

Meditating frog statue:  $10 @ Buck or two

I thought this was neat, but it seemed like way too much for a dollar store!  I looked it up online though, and it turns out it's a knock off of this pier 1 one:

The regular price was around $40 Canadian.  I just saw that one went for $100 US on ebay!  I think it's the same mold, but the material must be different.  I read that the original is 4-5 pounds and this one's way lighter.  I think it's just made out of ceramic, and it's only about a pound.

They also had a knockoff of this other one:

Same price, but I didn't like this one as much.  I hate doing this pose!  The other one only had two left, but they had five of these ones.

I haven't seen these statues at any other buck or two.  I'm thinking about buying the other one too....I'll see if it goes on sale.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

TMNT activity set
Petpals lenticular notebook

$1.25 each @ Dollar Tree

That set was quite odd.  The folder had no copyrights anywhere!  It totally looks like a bootleg without it.  

There also wasn't any barcode or any packaging, and this was the only one there.  Inside there are 8 sheets of stickers, an activity pad, and a scene board for the stickers.  The stickers are the only thing with a copyright.

Well I thought it was worth it for the folder alone, so I bought it anyway.

The other notebook was just fun.  There were a few other designs so I might pick up more!

2.5L glass container:  $4 @ Dollarama

The brand is "kitchen elements" but it has their price printed on the bottom, so probably made for them.

This is the biggest glass container I've seen there so far.  For a long time the biggest they had was a 1.5L for $3.50, so this is a much better deal.  I've seen similar ones go for $10+!