Thursday, February 6, 2014

Solar dancing devil:  $1.25 @ Dollar tree
Bag of toys:  $1.99 @ Value Village
Impo - White snakeskin/leather clutch:  $7.99 @ Value Village

I don't normally go to dollar tree, but I had a paid shopping interview so I went there today.  That was great!  It was easy money just for having to walk around and share my opinion about their products.

I didn't think I'd buy anything there, but this devil caught my eye.  I can normally pass up on solar toys, but some of them are just must haves -- this is one of them!  For the price, why not.  Found an animated stock picture of it:

Since I was in the area, I of course had to go to Value Village too.  First I found this bag of toys:

I thought the sheep were from some anime.  They were cute, but I mainly bought them because they're the exact same style as these one piece figures I love.  

Anyway, turns out it's from a Chinese cartoon called "Gentle goat and big big wolf."  Such a strange name!  The internet says that show is as big as the Simpsons, which seems shocking.  You'd think I would have heard of it in that case!

 I actually found the set on ebay for $110!  Turns out they came with a bunch of robots to sit in...which I definitely wouldn't have expected:

Also had to get patch because of my recent lalaloopsy kick.  I've seen him for $60 new on ebay!  People have actually paid $15 for him in this condition, which surprised me.  I didn't know any of them were more-than-retail collectible.

I wasn't sure about the clutch, but I just love my snakeskin.  The design looks great in theory, but holding it, I found it kind of plain.

I bought it because it was in completely pristine condition!  That's really rare.  So rare, I just can't pass them up when the opportunity presents itself!

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