Friday, October 18, 2013

Greenbrier international/DTSC Imports - Wind up monkey
Greenbrier international/DTSC Imports - Wind up elephant

$1.25 each @ Dollar Giant

I'm trying to stop buying such useless things, but I just can't help myself sometimes!  I've always been fond of wind up toys and other automatons.  When they're this cheap, why not?

The elephant was the first one I saw.  It was just placed randomly somewhere, but that one was really flawed so I didn't want to get it.  Thankfully, I found a jar of them at some other random spot (not with the toys).

That's where I found the monkey!  I don't normally like them so cute, but this guy had a lot going on.  He drums, walks, and moves his head side to side! 

But the elephant is more impressive.  It's got 7 points of motion - trunk, ears, legs, and tail!  It's way more articulated than the average walking toy, and I like how the design is somewhat realistic.  It definitely doesn't look as cheap as most of the other ones do.

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