Monday, March 4, 2013

Brass gold cherub lamp:  $7.99 @ Value Village (RSP:  $40 - $200+)

I never thought I'd find something like this for so cheap, especially at Value village of all places!

I've only seen something like this once at the Salvation Army..and they wanted $20-$30 for theirs.  Plus, they weren't that nice so I didn't buy them.

Well,  this one was gorgeous, and the price was a steal!  I don't really have room for lamps, which sis one of the reasons I wasn't very tempted before...but this one was a must have.

 The marble base was made in Italy!  And everything still works, I tested it before I bought it.

I was really in awe of the quality.  You rarely see stuff like that today, not in any mass produced stores anyway.

I noticed that one of the four hanging posts was broken off when I got home, but I would have bought it anyway.

Now I just have to figure something out for the lampshade!

There were two other lamps I was considering, that were obviously made by the same company and had the same owner.

They were the same one...this one:

It was nice, but not as intricate as the one I bought.  Plus, I didn't think the sculpting was as nice.  They were the same price:

If they're still there tomorrow though, I might end up buying them anyway!

I just didn't want to push my luck.  I initially noticed two of the lamps in a basket near the checkout counter.  I asked the cashier if they were someone's and she said she didn't know.  

She said she was going to just put them back, so I ended up testing both of them, and buying the bigger one.

When I was at the front near the entrace, I saw the other lamp!  It was in a basket too.  I really didn't want to feel like I was taking someone else's stuff, even though they all looked pretty abandoned (behind and in front of the check out).

Ugh, looking at that picture, I kind of wish I bought them!  I hope they're still there tomorrow!

Even if they're not as nice, and they all need lamp shades, there's no way I could get them cheaper elsewhere.  I've seen similar lamps sell for $40-$200!  Shipping alone would be more than what I paid!

I found this auction that's basically the lamp I have, except in different colours.  That would work out to around $100 each.  They're in better condition than mine though, mine is missing one of the handles and has no beadwork...but I doubt that would count for the $90 difference!

This is one of the ones from the Salvation army:

I'm really glad I didn't get the first one.  It was a cheap quality repro.  It had nothing on the real thing!  Even the less intricate one above is a million times better than this one...

The second ones were good, but the price was too much.  I think the one I got was a lot nicer anyway!
Lesson learned:  will always check the lamp section from now on!  Maybe there were even more of them!

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