Monday, December 17, 2012

Moccliy  (?) - Black leather messenger bag:  $3.50 @ Value Village
Ruth E. Saltz - Brown leather bag w/gold cougar head:  $4.99 @ Salvation Army

I got the black purse the same time as the grey suit.  I can't find anything about the designer so I don't know if that's what the name actually is, it's really hard to make out.

It seems to be made in Firenze Italy, and the leather is so soft!  But what really got me was the crest.  I had to get it!

I remember seeing a didier lamarthe bag with a gorgeous crest...on the inside.  What's the point of that?  Plus, that one was $14, so it was pretty easy to leave behind.  The crest was a lot bigger though (almost covered the entire flat), too bad this one wasn't the same.

The other bag is so neat.  I don't normally like flat ones, but the gold cougar head is so neat! 

It's actually a knob, there's a plain one on the other side too.  The bag actually opens up crosswise, I only have one other bag like this.

The leather is also really great quality, so I was sold on it.

I spent a long time trying to find something else so I could use a coupon, but in the end I just payed full price.

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