Saturday, October 6, 2012

Liv dolls - First edition Katie and Spa Sophie:  $2.99 @ Value Village

Found these while on my quest for used monster high dolls (the quest still remains!).  I've seen these dolls nude and reasonably priced before ($2 each, sometimes $4, which I don't consider reasonable), but I was never tempted to pick them up.

I do think they're pretty enough, but they're kind of boring looking.  It's interesting that they have acrylic eyes, but I didn't like them enough to pick up until now.

The reason I did was because I noticed how articulated their bodies were - they're almost as good as obitsus, which cost around $20 each!  Everything is just as good below the waist, but the elbows don't have as much movement.

But for $1.50 each, I can't complain!  I thought I'd just steal their bodies if their faces didn't grow on me.

The blonde one actually has colour changing hair and makeup!  I love gimmicks like that.  She's actually still in stores right now!

Turns out they have wigs too, which are actually pretty nice quality.  I think the other ones I saw were bald.  

All in all they were really worth it, I'm glad I found them!  They're being discontinued, which is kind of sad.  I feel like they're wayyyy better than a lot of dolls on the market.

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