Friday, March 16, 2012

Neto - Leather jacket:  $9.99
Mimi world dolls:  $1.99 each

All @ Value Village.

I debated buying this jacket.  It was the first time I've seen a leather jacket there that was priced so low!  The norm is around $30, which I would probably never pay unless it was new with tags or had a killer design.

I remember reading some horror stories from a person who used to worked there:  they said that if pricing is too good to be true, it's because they're taking pity on you!  As in, there is something disgusting about the item that you wouldn't want to know.

That was lurking in the back of my mind, but I tried it on anyway.  It looked so good!

It has some slight marks, which is hopefully why it was marked that low...hopefully.

Hoping for more cheap leather coats in this length!  I saw a tan one at the same location for the same price, except that one was really scuffed up.

Maybe I'd buy it for $5 if it's there when the next half price day comes around, and only if there was some way to make it look presentable.

There was also a fur coat for $15! I was really tempted to buy it, but I didn't because the fur didn't feel very nice.  Why have a fur coat if you can't pet it?

Plus, the fur was shedding everywhere, it was way too big, and it looked really ugly on me.

But here's hoping I'll find a nice fur coat in that price range in the near future.

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